I have a blog site that is well established, and was duplicating my posts here. However, in the interest of efficiency, I ask that you...

How Should We View Money?
When it comes to money, make sure it is serving you and not the other way around. Money is a TOOL. Use it wisely, and remember that it...

FREE eBook: "Hidden Secrets"
Do you love a good mystery? Madison did, but things were a little scarier when she found herself "smack dab" in the middle of one! Check...

Advice for Young Ladies Entering the Tween/Teen Years
I wanted to share my advice for female teens and tweens, as they enter the challenging yet wonderful years ahead. It is not just...

Blizzard Conditions
Have you ever driven in a blizzard? I was driving in a blizzard recently on my way to a wedding, of all things. This drive took me down...

Loved by God Facebook page
I am starting a new Facebook page called, "Loved by God." Click on this link to go to "Loved by God" Facebook page. I have started this...

My Shining Star
Did you have a rough 2016 like I did? Does it seem the joyous Christmas season is difficult to find this year? I wrote this poem based...

Paperclips Magazine ad
http://paperclipsmagazine.com/onlinemag/#page/10 See the link for an ad about my books and music in the Paperclips Magazine. They sought...

The Problem with the Snowflake Generation
I watched a short video today that someone sent to me. It is a little survey of college students and their reactions to the question of...

Wisdom and Understanding
Check out my video for one of my songs, "Wisdom and Understanding", taken from the book of Proverbs. It's the first song on my album,...